It was great experience to convert .docx file to .doc file!! J
Sometimes it so happens that you know the option that will lead you to solve your problem but you just miss it. Though it’s always there in front of you, you can’t recognize it!
Guys believe me it’s a pain. I received this file .docx where in there was one important document I was waiting for. I had no idea about .docx extension files till I received it. When I tried to open it on office 2000 it didn’t get open, it was evening then. I tried to open it through windows XP and windows 2003 again – but hell – I couldn’t manage to.
By the time I had come to know that the document has been created in windows 2007 and that whenever you use this version the file gets saved with .docx extension. Also it’s an XML supporting file. But the problem for me remained same.
I went to Internet Café in the night and saw one guy at café was actually working on the CPU for 5 different computers and was doing something, which I had no idea about. I informed him my problem and he said that he knows this problem and in order to open this file I will require windows 2007 only. God... – what the hell!! I requested him for his help and he agreed to it. Finally it happened that when he tried to insert his CD in the CD drive – he couldn’t manage to open that CD on that server. Other all CPU were opened and CD drives were removed!! So I went home without being successful in opening that file.
Hell, for the whole night I kept on thinking.. who can help me in this matter. Finally a light flashed in my brain – hey… Goggle Bhagvaan yaar!!!!
The next day when I browsed on internet with the search as “ convert .docx into .doc file”, I got so many search results. Many of the people had given their expert comments and many of the people definitely have tried to search solution on the same problem as of mine!
But hey, if you have the same problem that I had, then please don’t waste your time like I did!!! Its simple and quick!! Just visit this site:
It’s simple and amazing. You will get it done within few minutes! And there is no need to take loads of pain that I had taken earlier to find solution!