Monday, May 21, 2018

Coming back to blogging!

Its been a long time I was away from blogging. Somehow, the words were vanished, mind was per-occupied and feelings were shrunken. It took all these years to think for a topic that would be compelling enough to start writing once again.
Life kept on throwing experiences and they did make me a better person. It was wonderful to experience something never thought I would do or experience. But all came along and became a perfect canvas I am proud to have painted!

So, here is a quick story I got inspired by during the situations when I thought I would give up. The difference of opinions, different people and situations taught me to respect everyone's perspective and sync in to make it easier for you as well for others.

This story specifically helped me in situations when I had to depend on someone and would have a very little control on the execution.


Once upon a time there lived a king who was very fascinated towards life. Curious to understand its meaning, he would ask every sage, saint or monk visiting his royal court to give him a Mantra or Sacred message which will be useful at any moment or at any stage of life.
Finally, one day a monk gives him a ring and informs that there is a Mantra written on piece of paper inside the ring and instructs that king must open it only when he faces life and death situation.
Many years pass by, the king never needed to open that ring.

But one day things change, king’s faithful minister rebells and puts him behind the bars. A committed soldier gives king a horse and helps him to escape in the middle of the night from the prison. Somehow with great efforts King runs away and crosses border of his kingdom. When the evil minister gets to know that the king has escaped, he gets angry and sends his solders to kill the king.

On the other side, king reaches at the peak of one of the mountain and finds a huge valley in front of him. He has no path to run away now. He sets off the horse to graze and hides himself behind a huge rock. He thinks that in some time the solders would come and he will die. And at that moment, he remembers the ring that the monk had given him. He opens the ring to read the message. The piece of paper says — “ This too shall pass”.
Just by reading this message the king’s mind becomes calm. A wonder happens! The solders come to that point and think - as the horse alone is grazing that means king must have fallen into a valley and died. Thinking this, they return. Later, the king takes help from the king of the adjacent kingdom and in few days gets his own kingdom back. He then beheads the minister.
The entire kingdom starts celebrating the victory of beloved king. But a new minister notices that king is sitting composed and calm. There is no excitement seen on his face. He goes up to king and in a very respectful manner asks, “my lord, so many events took place in your life and you came out of it safe and sound. So you should be joyful and happy today. You should celebrate this moment”
On that the king says, “No. Now I have understood the sacred message and its power. There is nothing in this world that will last long. The transformation is the sustainable rule of the world. Neither the happiness is sustainable nor the pain. I have understood it now. So remember this - never be overwhelmed in the time of happiness and never be broken down by the sorrow.”

He then goes on adding, “This too shall pass”.